A fruition of self-awareness:
For many years this was so foreign to me. I mean, how could I possibly change if I am not being critical of myself. What would give me the nudge to do better?
- Want to know how to cultivate self-awareness? I encourage you to read my “Self-Awareness… Am I doing it right??” blog.
For so long accepting myself meant denying what needed to be changed in-order for me to live a thriving life. It meant pretending to be my best self, without actually being my best self.
Sound familiar to you at all? I find this with many of my clients as well. Its a kind of fake it til you make it attitude. – This holds the notion that acceptance is some kind of avoidant behaviour, or that it is a form of bypassing.
Yes, this bypassing behaviour definitely can happen, especially on the unconscious level. However, when we mindfully seek ourselves out, when we want to be aware of all we are to better understand what to change, self-acceptance is indefinitely a wonderful gift that will follow!!!
As time and healing has gone on, I find I am more effective in all my efforts when I can listen to myself with acceptance. Its through this that I can be myself. – This is something I teach my clients. A lesson that has held such beautiful space. A lesson I want to pass on to you. May it serve you deeply.
“Over the years I have learned to become more adequate in listening to myself; so that I know, somewhat more than I used to, with regards to what I am feeling and thinking in any given moment” …
Lets dive alittle deeper into what I mean.
One way of putting this is that, I feel I have become more open in letting myself be what I am. YES A WHAT! Because the “who I am” is an identification of the things I have put onto myself from my environment, conditioning, beliefs etc. These things are fundamentally not me.
I find that most people struggle with this, which is why I so deeply want to share this realization. WHY DO WE STRUGGLE THOUGH?? – Well, see we are so identified and attached to the ideas of ourselves, that to let it all go and just be our authentic selves is a pretty scary and vulnerable thing to do.
NOTE: that when I say, “authentic”, I dont mean originality. I mention this because when I started my journey, this was the idea I held. Although this may seem to be true at the surface level. The deeper truth is..that when I speak of authenticity in a mindful way, I refer to the “who is your true self”, and what do they need in-order to come out.
This often means unlearning how we currently are. To strip away the layers of conditioning to then access your true essence.
This inner awareness then drives you forward, allowing for mindful growth and continuous development.
Eventually leading to your authentic self to automatically being your natural front. You will no longer need the masks you may carry or the personas you put up. You will express and experience who you truly are. YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF.
Yes this does take inner work and healing to achieve, however this is totally available to you. You are available to you.Sometimes we just need a guide to remind us of who we are. To remind us to come home to that true authentic self. – Its in this same energy that I approach you with this blog. To provide true divine guidance.
Now I hope that you can understand that by seeing myself as a “what” makes it easier for me to accept myself as a decidedly imperfect person, who by no means functions appropriately at all times. However, this is the beauty of being human. This is the element of common humanity. A fundamental pillar to reaching self-love and acceptance.
HOW RIDICULOUSLY BEAUTIFUL IS ALL OF THAT! – It just gives me goose bumps seeing how this self-awareness thing works. To really integrate it into daily life, to see the results that have come into my own life, has just transformed my whole existence.
This might seem like a strange concept to step into, almost counter-intuitive maybe, but to me this notion has deep value.
Consciously considering this, I now step into the acceptance, the embodiment and the love of all I am, even if I am not where I want to be yet.
Carl Rogers said; “The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I change”.
This is where I base this whole realization from. An idea rooted in self-love and understanding. Its form this place that transformation really took place in my life. Its from this place that I hope to share and guide you through your own transformation.
A space of your own inner loving self-awareness. So that you can go to the root cause of it all and make changes where needed. The rest will flow accordingly.
– With deepest gratitude, Demi-Gea x
PS – If you are needing any guidance within your growth and healing journey, I offer 20 minute free discovery calls. These calls are here for your support.
- Unsure if Holistic Life Coaching is for you ??
- Needing spiritual / mental guidance through lifes obstacles ??
- or just wanting to deepen your awareness and connection to yourself ?
Contact me, I am one email, call, whatsapp or video chat away. – You deserve the life you dream about.
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