Balanced Living:
Balanced Living is an energy flow and like energy, balance is not something you find; it is something you create. This energy flow can direct or create the experiences that is your life.

Living energetically balanced:
As a wellness coach, I often encourage my clients to have a somewhat even divide between active doing and rest or digest. This is the concept behind balanced living. That we essentially, balance pleasure and progress, using each as a tool to carve a path for our lives. While this is true, the concept of balance goes much deeper than this.
Balanced living is an energy flow and like energy, balance is not something that you find; it is something you create. This created energy flow can be conscious or unconscious, either way it will direct or create the experiences that becomes your life.
“In this blog the word energy takes on a personal role. In the sense, that it is pointing to a state of being. It’s the day-to-day vibrations you carry as a living being engaging with the world around you.
This notion directs us to a fundamental universal law, the law of vibration and energy. Backed by scientific studies, nature and the universe is filled with and made up of energy. This law reveals that energy of a specific vibrational frequency responds to and attracts energies of a corresponding frequency. Creating a metaphysical experience for us all.”
Understanding that everything is vibrations. We can see that one’s subjective experience of the world is determined by the energy one embodies. This is a hard pill to swallow. Because even though you are responsible for your energy, you are also the manifestation of the energy of your environment. It’s all woven together.
This cause-and-effect train can project so much onto us over time, that we may begin to feel out of balance or not in alignment with our own true selves. This is when we have many unprocessed emotions, thoughts and behaviours. Be it trauma, unfulfilled needs etc. This conditioning creates constructs that filter our energy outwards towards the world, as well as inwards towards our own self-reflection and awareness.
Think about it this way: It is the energy projected from ones own mind which creates their daily experience of life.
For example. Imagine 3 different people walk down a street.
- Person 1 – Notices it was his old childhood home and is filled with warmth.
- Person 2 – Had an ex-partner who lived in that street and things ended badly, so they are filled with anger.
- Person 3 – Has never been here before and simply is on their way to a given destination.
For the example above, the energy that vibrated both out and within were different for each person. Yet, the space itself was the same. Thinking about this, we can see that the events in our lives are created from merely a physical or mental manifestation of our own minds. Whether conscious or unconscious, your experiences all stem from the thoughts, meaning and feelings you have about a space or situation. This process will lead you to react specifically from your subjective experience. The power here is that, if we create it, we can break it and start again. An important reflection to have when understanding balanced living.

Listen to your emotions.
This is where emotions come in, to function as a window into our inside worlds. It’s fundamental to listen to our emotions when wanting to connect to a more balanced state of being. Emotions demand attention, but not for identification, rather they arise to act as a guide to your values, beliefs and deeper feelings about your self-construct.
We listen to our emotions to integrate them, not identify with them. – Easier said than done, for sure.
However, in this way emotions allow us to connect to the vibrations that our nervous systems have picked up. A process that happens from passed lived experience, both from our generational line and/or our present selves.
Here from our previous examples,
- Person 1 – Is now carrying joy for the rest of the day, as their mind projects good memories.
- Person 2 – is now carrying resentment for the suffering experienced by a bad break up, as their mind projects out anger.
- Person 3 – is neutral and may actually have no real recollection of that street at all, as there was no energy tie to the particular environment to begin with.
It’s so interesting to see how deeply we are connected to the places we go to. A process we often do unconsciously. I bring this awareness your way. Not processing ourselves can result in, holding onto a lot of unnecessary narratives about who we are and are not. Creating alot of suffering.
We suffer because we long for something we don’t have, or have aversion to something we don’t want. More simply put, its looking for pleasure and denying the natural pain that comes from progress. Both these mind spaces create very disrupted energy within the mind-body phenomenon.
– Essentially, when we play into this push-pull nature of things, we purposefully un-harmonized ourselves. Rather, we must observe the experience. To integrate and learn the lesson that comes with balancing pleasure an progress (pain).
“For many years this was so foreign to me. I mean, how could I possibly change if I am not being critical of myself. What would give me the nudge to do better when faced with truth”? ->Read your solution here in my Fruition of Self-Awareness blog.
Knowing your energy helps.
Balanced living is more about knowing your energy and working with it, than it is about a 50/50 mindset. The truth is that, if things were perfectly balanced, there essentially will be nothing.
Even the word nothing cant describe this experience, because if there is a nothing, well then there must be a something. It can be difficult to process, as our minds cant often think of a space where no thinking can occur.
“Breaking down the self in this way can really help to lesson the personalization that goes on in our minds. This building of narratives is a common thing we all do.”
When we personalize, we are essentially fusing to a state of being, emotion or narrative. This fusion throws balance out the window, as we get consumed by the in’s and out’s of the created story. (Forgetting that you can create a new one.) Here, knowing that your limits are self-imposed can help you to understand what’s going on before you blindly believe this story line.
It’s the realization that, just because I feel it, doesn’t make it objectively true. If it’s not objectively true and you can mindfully regulate the energy out of the mind-body phenomenon, then you have learnt to manage your energy.This may look like having less emotional outbursts, or maintaining good self-care and healthy boundaries. It will be slightly different for everyone.
Either way, here consistency is your friend. This showing up helps you to maintain a balanced state of being. Essentially, we will continue to practice, even in the times we dont need the skill. A state that will guide to practicing active doing and passive rest and digest for your system. Here practice is the progress, and with this progress comes deep self-understanding.

Balance is a state of acceptance.
Balance is accepting that for every something there will be a nothing and that at any moment these dual energies can flow between each other. Constantly shifting, constantly changing.
For instance, if the sun is shining, enjoy that moment of warmth. However, if it suddenly begins to rain, instead of mourning the loss of sunlight, embrace the refreshing droplets. Don’t label one as “good” and one as “bad.” Instead, enjoy the present moment.
This way no matter your experiences, your internal equilibrium is maintained. This doesn’t mean 50/50 both active and passive. It means adjusting accordingly, so that when an emotion or energy response arises in the body, you see it as a message to continue to flow. To continue to change direction and integrate new pathways of peace.
When we get fused to the emotion, that is when we are not present with ourselves enough to see that the only constant is change. This truth applies to all energy. We forget that we are energy too.
As a Holistic Professional I can offer you mindful routine restructuring. Where we integrate your needs, goals, dreams and responsibilities to get you 1 step closer to a holistic balanced life.
We are energy co-existing in a vessel.
There are so many different co-existing energies in us on a daily basis. Constant flux and flows occurring in our minds, bodies, hearts and souls. It can get so overwhelming, especially since society is so loud these days. We cant even get a moment to process ourselves. By stopping the old habit patterns we can call in new pathways to support our authentic selves.
True balanced living comes in when we allow ourselves to be congruent with the different parts of ourselves.
True balanced living, is adopting the mindset of acceptance for the isness of this wonderful universal dance. The dance of life, an energy flow we simply cant wrap our minds around.. but the spirit knows and through experience we can continue to grow.
The more conscious you become of your energies and their roots, the more congruent you will become with them and life itself. After-all, you will then be living in-alignment with nature…
So next time the sun disappears and it starts to rain.. take off your shoes and dance in the mud. For its this present moment living that can truly influence your energy and bring in true unshakeable balance and peace into your life.
With gratitude, Demi-Gea x

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