Emotions are our inner messengers. These messages hold wisdom to those who take the time to listen and integrate them mindfully. This blog will help you to process and regulate your emotions.

Emotions are where the mind and body meet. It is the body’s reaction to your mind — or you might say, a reflection/ projection of your mind in the body.
This phenomenal field is our message center. Its a place that can be used  to understand your mind/body connection. Within this there will always be a manifestation of some kind going on. – A sensation to look out for.

These feelings are derived from thought (its important to know that this automatic thinking is the conditioned part of you), the emotions that arise from that thinking may be truth in that moment and are valid. – However, it is not objective truth, but merely your relative truth to your state of mind in that particular moment.

Processing emotions in this mindful way allows us to create the space needed to fully understand the message being received.