Emotional Storms
I have so many people in my life going through intense emotional storms. Storms that are engulfing and overwhelming them. So in case you are going through the same thing, then this is for you.
Perspective is everything here and oh so important. Its like looking at things from different angles. With a broad and realistic perspective you are better able to accept the fluctuations of life. Broadening your perspective can help you to better see relationships between your past, present, and future. With perspective, you look at the bigger picture as composed of many separate, as well as unified factors.
When you lose perspective, you look at life through a narrow tube. You hone in on small details as though they were all that mattered. You lose objectivity and begin to identify with whats happening to you.
This is the eye of the emotional storm..
It happens when the mind is absorbed into identity and personalization. You can regain your stability by looking at your life as if you were on a mountain top. Taking it all in holistically. Allowing a bigger picture to emerge. A picture that becomes pure motivation for your best self to come through.
From this point of view the storm can be seen as a whole. From this point of view you can begin to feel it deeply without identifying with it. It’s from this point of view that you can liberate yourself and become the observer. While allowing your release and acceptance.
This is deep mindfulness, which cultivates deep self-awareness…
- To further understand the workings of your emotions, in-order to emotionally regulate, read my blog on, “Emotions, the bodies reaction to the mind”.
So be careful of the emotional storms..
Sometimes emotional storms must pass through us to force us to let go of the intensity. So let them wash over you, let them cleanse you.. but do not let them drown you out. On top of the mountain you are safe from the floods, you are safe from being washed away out of your depths..
Remember emotions are meant to be experienced and expressed. However, dont get stuck in the mind, dont identify or try to rationalize your emotions. Your critical mind has no business dealing with emotions, thats a job for the body and soul.
You need to allow the emotions to come through. Let the mind be the observer. See the mind is a wonderful tool when it is calm and steady. This way you only use it when necessary.
It will then learn to understand what is needed in the moment of intense emotional storms and say, “hey.. its starting to flood, let’s get to higher ground” (higher vibrations/well-being). This is awareness and falls into the moments when we choose healthy coping for lifes stressors. Where we emotionally regulate, practice self-care and most importantly love ourselves through it all.
However, when the emotional storms hit and the mind is unsteady, it will begin to identify and panic.. Panic without actually using the tools (mindset/perspective) needed to get out of the situation. This is when we may turn to maladaptive coping. Like substances, food, isolation, dependency and projection. This is the mind in panic. A disconnected unmindful mind.
What happens in the panic?? You begin to struggle. This is when I hear people say, “it feels like I’m drowning” or “I’m just trying to keep afloat”.. etc. Have you ever heard this?
This is the overwhelm of the emotional storm.
It’s important to note that it’s perfectly normal and okay to be here.
Its often not what happens to us that matters, but rather how we deal with what happens to us. To reintegrate that, perspective really is everything!!
What to do to release the storm??
So if you find yourself in an emotional storm, what can you do?
- Tap in and take a deep breath. Breath is the anchor in this storm, it will assist in stabilizing the mind, even if its just for a few seconds while you find presence and perspective within each situation. This act of conscious breathing is a very grounding activity as well. Try taking deep conscious breaths before responding in an argument or before you react at all. Then over time watch how your reactions to your emotions begin to change.
- Another mindfulness practice you can do is noting. Noting involves labeling the emotion as it is. Saying things like, “ooohhh anger i see you again”, or “sadness has come over me”. This plain and simple labeling allows your unconscious to list the emotion as something outside of you. Acknowledging that emotions can come and go. Over time your mind will naturally be unidentified with the emotional state and rather be able to use the emotions as a catalyst for growth, well-being and awareness.
- Find a stable way to invite more self-love in your life. Self-Love is the base from which we thrive. To love yourself means acceptance, awareness and deepened understanding of who you are. Meaning a deepened understanding of the world around you.
- Mindfulness. Mindfulness is a type of meditation in which you focus on being intensely aware of what you’re sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment. Practicing mindfulness involves, guided imagery, journaling and visualization, along with many other practices to relax the body and mind and help reduce stress caused by emotional storms.
“Mindfulness enables you to become a more cognizant observer of your experience, allowing you to become more “tuned in” to what you are feeling inside. When emotions feel confusing, overwhelming, or paralyzing, they are not serving the healthy and productive function that those very same emotions are able to serve when used constructively.” – Laura Chang
– With deepest gratitude, Demi-Gea x
- Wanting to cultivate more self-love into your life? i invite you to do my private 1-on-1 coaching course, A journey to self-love- A 7 week guide to unlocking your true self-compassion. Developed to bring you home, to that warm place within.
PS – If you are needing any guidance within your growth and healing journey, i offer 20 minute free discovery calls. These calls are here for your support.
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- or just wanting to deepen your awareness and connection to yourself ?
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