Mindful kids:

As a child life specialist, I provide holistic mental and emotional healing/mentoring/coaching for children ages 3 – 16. This is done through the tools and techniques of Mindfulness and Positive Psychology. I promote and facilitate effective coping and development through play, preparation, education and self-expression activities.

Session Pricing


R500 ($28)

Initial session to further discuss and unpack important information for the future sessions.


R1000 ($80)

1 hour Individual session. Where we dive into all your child’s healing, growth and transformation needs.


R1400 ($85)

This is for a shared 2 person session with a friend/ guardian/ partners/ siblings, etc. As well as  home visits.

Play sessions are used to observe and gain insights into a child’s possible maladaptive coping. I help guide the child in exploring emotions and deal with unresolved issues. This creates a safe environment form which children can build on their self-esteem, confidence and ultimately socialization.

Through play, children can learn new coping mechanisms and understand how to redirect inappropriate/unhelpful behaviours. Creating a secure attachment within the child, which further extends to and models out within the family dynamic. This creates a sold foundation form which each child can face the future with self-awareness. A fundamental key to maintaining happiness and stability in their lives.

(Please note:  It is recommended that all children 3 – 16yrs old should be seen in person and not online.)      

– with loving gratitude, Demi-Gea x

Sesssion breakdown

A 30 min play session

R600 ($65)

This short session is may be more beneficial to younger children.

 An hour play session

R1200 ($80)

This fuller session is perfect for deep diving into each individual child’s needs.

The session breakdown options include, a 30 minute play session for younger children who may not be able to concentrate for a full hour. Then there is the standard 1 hour session. This is suitable for older children or those who can maintain concentration within an hour time frame.

Both sessions allow for a deep dive into the child’s world. Where I begin to investigate their narrative, gaining insights and understandings in order to bridge the presented gaps and problems. From these understandings I then create a package with a set number of sessions that we build on week-to-week. The consistency of this process is essential to this process, which is why 1 – 2 sessions a week is highly recommended.

Created packages include:

Weekly motivational, inspirational and affirmation messages to help support you and your child along this healing, growth and transformation journey. Towards the end of the sessions I will provide a detailed report. This is helpful to refer to as we begin to process and unpack the discovered possible issues, while integrating fundamental life and developmental skills for the entire family dynamic. This feedback report helps me to asses if more interventions, tools or techniques will be needed.Within child sessions, we are really looking at the entire family. A process that involves presence, accountability and honesty from all parties involved.

Any additional consultation time added onto a session will be calculated at a pro rata rate in accordance with the consultation fee. Payment is upfront and must reflect in the bank account before the start of the appointment.

Cancellation Policy is as follows:

If one is 10 -15 minutes late for an appointment without notification the client is liable for the full consultation fee.
Any cancellations of appointments should be done 24 to 48 hours before the appointment time and date.

If you miss two consecutive appointments without notice, your treatment will be considered terminated and all future appointments will be cancelled. You will be informed in writing via email about the termination and a 50% penalty  fee will be kept for any unused sessions.

For more information on all offered services, please click the button below.

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- with gratitude, Demi-Gea Hart.