My coaching philosophy :
“My coaching philosophy with regards to Holistic Life Coaching, essentially is that individuals have within themselves the knowledge for what is best for them. As well as, a strong desire to find a path towards that improved well-being.”
To know more about me as a coach, click here.
In this blog post, I explain my coaching philosophy and what that means to you as my client.
Coaching you:
I support/guide/mentor each person as they search for inner knowledge. This knowledge is used to reignite your motivation for self-development, growth and essentially, healing.
Where sacred empathetic understanding and experiential learning is shared in a non-judgmental and supportive manner. Which places the focus on health and well-being, rather than on illness and disability.
Achieving balance through this coaching philosophy is a life-long pursuit. Meaning that this becomes a lifestyle or a state of being. Naturally, this way of being has changed the way I live my life. Undoubtedly, my own internal practice has developed, and as a result of this growth, I have been called to facilitate your journey just the same!
Want to understand why you get stuck from time to time ?? Read my blog on emotional storms, click here.
Coaching philosophy broken down:
This idea brings me to explain why I call the individuals of this community, Bloomers.
Nature is my constant teacher, it reflects so much of the nature of authentic living. For me nature is a coming home, a space that communicates unconditional love, compassion, understanding and balance. We can always learn alignment through this wonderful natural world around us. We just need to learn how to reflect on ourselves as though we are one with nature. Ultimately, nature is constantly coaching us.
Just like in nature we are all unique. Essentially we are made up of the same parts, the same fundamental’s that connect us all, however, our stories and our paths are so different. This is important to point out, as each individual deserves to be fully acknowledged and not generalized.
So, just like in nature for a healthy seed to grow and flourish to eventually bloom, it requires proper nourishment. With proper care each seed has so much to offer and so much abundance to give. Generally, we can understand this. Understand how we can look at a tiny seed and see its potential. Yet! we struggle to do the same with ourselves.
Why is this?? – This is where this coaching philosophy falls in.
“When you lose perspective, you look at life through a narrow tube. You hone in on small details as though they were all that mattered. You lose objectivity and begin to identify with whats happening to you.
It isn’t always what happens to you that matters, but rather how you deal with what happens.” – Demi-Gea x
This coaching philosophy of a seed can represent a mind.
Maybe a trauma mind, a blocked mind, an unmotivated mind, a distracted, uncomfortable, emotional, unstable, or unaware mind.
Just as that seed has all the potential in the world to bloom. I too see the potential of every individual’s mind. In your mind.
I see every opportunity for you to step into your most authentic self.
This is why I believe that with the right kind of nourishment, your seeds of healing, success and peace will sprout out and eventually bloom.
When the time is right and the correct nurturing has been given the flower within us all can bloom. Its through this fundamental philosophy that I find myself wanting to create a safe space for you all to come to. In other words, a space for your seed to grow and be looked after in the correct way, by someone who understands what it needs.
An important note:
It’s important to note that Instagram, articles, social media, websites etc are not healing. Although they do provide pointers, or rather resources for us to find the guidance we need. These modalities alone do not do the inner work. Healing is about integration, acceptance, empowerment and love, among other things.
Essentially, these pointers can help to get the seed into the right space, or the mind into the right frame. However, if just left with little awareness placed to consciously take care, that seed will not grow.
“I want you to reach your fullest most embodied authentic self.”
So, I am here to share insights and knowledge that I have gained throughout my own experiences. To stand as a pillar of vulnerability, so that you can be vulnerable too. Remember we are all just walking each other home. I hope that this message resonates within someone. So that, that someone can reach out and receive the essential guidance and nurturance for their own deserved healing and transformation journey.
This space has been my calling. My entire life has been a message of healing, so honouring that calling and honouring you, I humbly bring this healing your way.
I hope this coaching philosophy resonates with you.
Firstly, this is a space of community, in-order for us all to connect. Secondly, this is a space of vulnerability. So that we can share and receive with fullness. Thirdly, this is a space of safety, so your uniqueness can be seen, heard and acknowledged. Moreover, and possibly the most important aspect of all of this. – This is a space of supportive guidance, loving kindness and mindful intervention.
“May you all have peace, be happy and embody yourselves fully. I am sending the deepest amounts of gratitude to each and every one of you. Thank you so much for being here.”
With gratitude, Demi-Gea x Join the tribe and subscribe to my emailing list. Follow me on instagram, comment below or send me a whatsapp and lets connect.
- Wanting to cultivate more self-love into your life? i invite you to do my private 1-on-1 coaching course, A journey to self-love- A 7 week guide to unlocking your true self-compassion. Developed to bring you home, to that warm place within.
PS – If you are needing any guidance within your growth and healing journey, i offer 20 minute free discovery calls. These calls are here for your support.
- Unsure if Holistic Life Coaching is for you ??
- Needing spiritual / mental guidance through lifes obstacles ??
- or just wanting to deepen your awareness and connection to yourself ?
CONTACT ME !!- I am one email, call, whatsapp or video chat away. – You deserve the life you dream about.